night before He suffered, our Lord Jesus Christ prayed to the
Father that all His followers might be one as He and the Father are
one (John 17:21). GOD has called us as members of our local
churches world-wide to be covenanted to Him and one another and to
be one people for Him.
individuals, we respond to GOD’s invitation by living out our
Baptismal commitments in lives of personal conversion, dedicated to
righteousness, growth in holiness, and service as disciples of
Jesus Christ in our local church and the universal Church. By His
grace we have become sons and daughters of GOD, baptized into the
one body of Christ, filled with His Holy Spirit. We desire to live
out all our relationships on a daily basis in the power of the Holy
Spirit. Our ideal of being disciples is to be men and women who can
put their hand to the plow without looking back (Luke 9:62), take
up their cross daily (Luke 9:23-27), and serve rather than be
served (Mark 10:45).
A Community of
Catholics, we have freely bound ourselves with others who have been
called in this same way. We accept the mission our Lord has
entrusted to us as a people:
• to be brothers and sister of one
another in the Lord
• to become more and more a people of praise and worship
• to share our life and resources with others
• to make ourselves and our resources available for
In short, we live out our Christian
commitment as a Community of disciples, united by a covenant, a
common way of life, and dedicated to a common
have heard GOD’s call and respond gladly to that call to link our
communities across the world to be a bulwark to stem the tide of
evil. To do this by:
• building communities and movements
which influence life in church and society
• defending the Gospel by being a prophetic people called to
proclaim GOD’s love, holiness and justice by life and word
• participating in the mission of the Church and all Christian
churches, which is evangelism and sanctification (Redemptor
Hominis. 11.AA6).
In general, we wish to be an instrument in the Lord’s hand for the
transformation of this world so that it increasingly reflects His
In unity with all
Finally, we desire to live out our
lives and mission in unity with all who love the Lord and are
called to serve Him. We wish to work closely with those who
exercise roles of pastoral authority in the Catholic Church. In
addition, we wish to cooperate with all Christians according to the
call of Vatican II (UR). By our ecumenical unity and collaboration
we want to witness to the unity GOD intends for all His