COMMUNITY LIFE ~ Here's the Latest
Our Community Prayer Meetings are GOD’s initiative and they our scheduled

Bro. Ken cited two (2) reasons why we have Prayer Meetings:
1. GOD is looking for a people who will worship Him.
2. To declare the wonderful deeds of the One who calls.
Our aim then must be to Worship Him – meaning to put GOD first in our Community Prayer Meetings. In our relationship with GOD, we need to put Him at the center of our lives when we come together in Prayer Meetings. Because when we pay less attention to GOD, we end up focusing more on ourselves -- and we can end up gazing at our own belly buttons!
And to make our Worship more spiritual, we should “yield” to the Holy Spirit. As Scripture says, “Be filled with the Spirit.” (Romans 8:9) and “Yield to the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18)

We also welcomed that night the 19 brothers and sisters who completed the Life in the Spirit seminar.
On July 12 & 13, Bro. Ken conducted the Men’s Retreat for 16 Genesis brothers at Talita in Puncak. The Community looks forward to this annual retreat as it is a special time for the men to seek the LORD and grow deeper in their relationship with Him and also in their relationship and friendship with the other brothers.

This year’s retreat focused on the Attributes of GOD – looking at what GOD says about Himself and what Jesus teaches us about GOD based on the Scriptures. Exercises included Meditations on: (1) The Characteristics of GOD, (2) The Kingdom and GOD’s Generosity, (3) Forgiveness and the Kingdom of GOD and (4) The LORD’s Prayer. We also had a LORD’s Day celebration on Saturday evening. And enjoyed a word game that Bro. Ken prepared for us which everyone played with such passion.

Fr. Adrian said that the consequence of problems, difficulties or worries is FEAR. We are imprisoned, incapacitated, not free. We who are supposed to be chosen people –because of fear- become frozen people. And so we need the Holy Spirit. Just like what happened to the apostles during Pentecost and to the First Community which we read in Acts 2:42. From being fearful men, they became bold and powerful men. Signs and wonders accompanied their preaching and the LORD added to their number.
What about us? What happens to us when we receive the Holy Spirit?

On July 26 Saturday, Bro. Bo gave an enlightening seminar to over 300 Indonesian youths at the Prisma Sports Hall in Kebon, Jeruk. He told the youths that they too can be freed from their sinful addictions as he stood before them and gave witness as someone who was healed from his own addictions. The seminar was followed in the evening by a powerful and Spirit-filled prayer rally entitled REBORN! The Worship was simply amazing and fantastic. And many from the audience experienced healing when they were prayed over. Praise GOD!
The next day July 27, Bro. Bo gave a talk, How GOD Gives You Victory, during the Live FEAST at the Don Bosco Church in Sunter. This is Talk #1 of the talk-series entitled 24 Building Blocks to Victorious Living.

Bro. Bo said that based on Zephaniah 3:14-17, GOD will do five things for us to live victoriously, namely: (1) GOD will remove the judgments against you, (2) GOD will defeat your enemies, (3) GOD will be present with you, (4) GOD will calm all your fears, and (5) GOD will delight in you with gladness.