By Vi Martillano

reading Bernadette’s email my tears began to flow. Though I do not
know her personally, I really felt the extreme emotional pain and
the very difficult situation she and her family were going through.
At that moment I heared a voice speak to my heart,
are not enough, there’s something greater that you can do.”
The first thing that came
to mind is to offer my fervent prayers for Gloria’s complete
healing and provisions. But it didn’t stop there. I was also
reminded of the verse in John 15:13 that says “The greatest love a
person can give for his friends is to give his life for
them.” I truly
believe that prayer is so powerful, and a strong faith is a gift
from GOD but as St. James said, “Faith without action
is dead.” (James
2:26) So I asked my husband, Ramon, if we can help
John 15:13 gave me a
deeper meaning. That actually it is not hard to “lay our lives” for
our neighbors especially those who are in dire need and are not
losing hope. For how can you turn your back on them especially if
GOD has given you the capacity to help?
In these modern
times we don't have to die physically for a friend or for
someone we don't even know. All we have to do is to "die" to
ourselves so that other people in need especially the
sick and the needy may live. (Remember? Live simply so
that others may simply live.) Imagine we are being used
by GOD to have a part in extending one's life on earth. To
“die for a friend” is simply responding to that person’s needs with
love whether you know him/her or not. Our willingness to give our
“own” cheerfully is already a grace. To be able to share and
respond to a person’s need even in the simplest way is like sharing
a bit of “heaven” to those who are suffering and are losing hope.
To “die” for a neighbor is the greatest love we can give not only
for them but most especially to GOD.
the way, we were told that Gloria's prayer, before her
daughter sent the email, was, "Lord, if you want me to continue
with my chemo, please provide me with the necessary funds.” Two
days later, Gloria received a call from a friend telling her that
she will give her some money for her chemo. Still another call was
received. This time from the hospital telling her that the hospital
got some refund from her insurance. Inspired by GOD’s prompt
response to her prayers, they started to ask help from people even
from those they do not know.
We phoned Gloria (in Manila) last month. She was in high
spirits as she was preparing for her first of 12 cycles
of treatment. She is requesting for prayers, that
she will have enough strength for this additional treatment.
As one friend said, "It (chemo) is very physically,
psychologically, emotionally and financially
and I would like to thank our Filipino and Indonesian friends who
unselfishly offered prayers and gave financial assistance to
Gloria, even if they didn’t know her. Thank you very much! The Lord
will surely bless you for your generosity. Amen!