God's Word comes to Jakarta

COMMUNITY LIFE ~ Here's the Latest


We were once again blessed to hear GOD’s Word from two of His anointed servants who visited us very recently.

Bro. Bo Sanchez, the ‘Preacher in Blue Jeans’ himself from the Philippines, was back in Jakarta in late April 2008. He has been visiting Indonesia since early 1994.

On April 26, Bro. Bo conducted a seminar on
How To Be Truly Rich at the YTKI Building which was attended by about 300 participants. The seminar is based on his best-selling book 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich. Bro. Bo shared his own story on what he thought about money when he was very young and how his perspective changed. He cited three reasons why people are poor, namely: they don’t want to be rich, they’re financially ignorant and they don’t ride vehicles to wealth. Bro. Bo also discussed the eight (8) Secrets of the truly rich, the first of which is Be Responsible for your Financial Success. --You are where you are because you put yourself there; start creating your new future now. Secret #5 is Raise your Financial IQ. -- Are you a spender, saver, or investor?

The next day, we had a Live FEAST at the Don Bosco Parish in Sunter which is headed by Fr. Noel Villafuerte, SDB. Bro. Bo’s talk was on How To Be Really, Really, Really Happy. In this talk, Bro. Bo discussed The Key to Happiness: The 10/90 Principle -- 10% of Life is what happens to you and 90% of Life is what you do to what happens to you. He gave four principles in order to be really, really happy: 1) Always be grateful, 2) Always be trusting, 3) Always be passionate, and 4) Always be loving.

Thereafter in early May, another preacher, author and singer from the Philippines visited Surabaya and Jakarta. He is Bro. Arun Gogna, a theology professor, who is half-Filipino and half-Indian. He gave an inspiring and encouraging talk on
Servanthood to the members of the Genesis Catholic Community.

On May 10, Bro. Arun “opened the eyes” of those who attended his talk Master, I Want to See at the St. Peter Canisius International Catholic Parish. The topic was taken from Mark 10:52 which tell the story of the blind man Bartimeus, who was able to see because his heart was open. It is important to purify the way we see things. We may have 20/20 vision, but if our hearts are closed, then we are blind. The talk was followed by a very lively Question & Answer time with the audience. Bro. Arun also sang his own composition, Big in GOD’s Eyes, which is contained in his music CD with the same title.

Likewise the following day, May 11, we again had a Live FEAST at the Don Bosco Parish in Sunter where Bro. Arun gave a talk on Growing in the Spirit. He discussed the areas where we need to grow in the Spirit, namely: Prayer Life, Sacramental Life, Scripture reading, and Service. He encouraged us to put at the service of GOD our 3T’s: Time, Talent and Treasure.