COMMUNITY LIFE ~ Here's the Latest
In our last issue of the GNB, we
welcomed the Year 2008 with expectant faith in GOD’s abundant
blessings. And true enough, early this year, GOD’s blessings have
begun to unfold.
And on February 3, 2008 another blessing unfolded, as our Spiritual Director and Asst. Pastor Fr. Ignatius baptized another baby girl, Celine Grace, before the congregation during the 6:00PM Mass at Canisius Chapel. It was a sight to behold when Fr. Ignatius lifted up the baby and presented her to the congregation as they spontaneously clapped their hands to welcome another beloved child of GOD into the Catholic Church. Congratulations to the very contented parents, Cesar and Renelyn Nuque, as well as to the privileged Godparents.
And still another tremendous blessing to the Community is the surprise visit from our beloved elders and mentors, Bro. Benny & Sis. Liza Caleda, who were among the founders of GENESIS. Since moving to Vietnam over 3 years ago, it was really great to see them again. They both look a lot younger, healthier and happier.
Bro. Benny & Sis. Liza shared with us their experiences and how they continue to maintain and nourish their relationship as husband and wife especially now that there’s just the two of them together. All their three kids have grown-up and are now living and studying in another country.
To this day, this loving couple, their relationship and family life, continue to be a model, a witness and an inspiration to all the couples in GENESIS. Thank you, Bro. Benny & Sis. Liza. Thank you too, to Bro. Fred & Sis. Beth Manibog for hosting the lunch and fellowship.
Our Parish was likewise blessed thru Fr. Adrian Adiredjo, OP who gave a talk on Overcoming Pride last Saturday February 16 at St. Theresia auditorium. The talk was very well attended and was supported by the Genesis Choir.
Fr. Adrian began by saying “No matter how small, in whatever form, pride is present in each one of us.” He emphasized the truth that pride cuts us off from ourselves, from GOD and from others. To illustrate this, Fr. Adrian cited three examples from the Bible, namely, the story of the Original Sin, the story of the Tower of Babel and the story of Joseph the Dreamer.
To overcome pride, Fr. Adrian said that David provided the fundamental insight for us: humility. David was an icon of humility. He knew his strengths and weaknesses. In humility, he submitted his heart to GOD to cleanse his heart. And although painful, he was aware that the restoration of his good life could only happen through an honest confession of his sins. Confession then was followed by repentance – change was not planned by only depending on his own power, but on GOD’s.
Fr. Adrian concluded by saying that LOVE is the antidote to Pride. Being continuously aware of GOD’s love, being aware that we are loved by God, helps us to come to terms with ourselves, acknowledging both the goodness and the weakness in us. Living in GOD’s love also helps us to live rightly with others. What Pride destroys, LOVE restores!
The next day, Sunday February 17, it was the turn of Fr. Ignatius to bless the Community during our Praise & Worship. Fr. Ignatius expounded on the Gospel Reading from Matthew17:1-9, which talks about the Transfiguration of Jesus. Fr. Ignatius emphasized three important points: 1) Having faith in GOD to become Jesus’ followers is not blindly jumping into a bottomless pit. It is a commitment; a well-calculated action after experiencing GOD’s love for us; 2) To make our light shine on others is our very identity as Christians. Our responsibility is to “introduce” the Divine in human day-to-day ways; and 3) We live after Jesus’ resurrection – His resurrection is the foundation of our faith.
Blessings also continue to overflow as well to the parishioners of Don Bosco Church in Sunter thru The FEAST which is held every Sunday at 9:30am. For the last two sessions, the talks given by Bro. Bo Sanchez on video from the series How To Stop Bad Habits Now! were Talk#4 - Create a New Outer World on February 10 and Talk#5 - Redefine Yourself on February 17.
As the Parish priest, Fr. Noel Villafuerte, SVD leads the congregation in The FEAST. He is well supported by Bro. Jojo Apolo, Bro. Pete Lapid, other active Parish leaders, the Don Bosco Choir and some members from Couples for Christ, Youth for Christ and GENESIS.
We want you all to be blessed too! And so we invite you all to join our Parish Saturday talk sessions once a month and our Praise & Worship at 8:30AM every 3rd Sunday of the month both held at the St. Theresia auditorium, as well as The FEAST every Sunday 9:30AM at the Don Bosco Church in Sunter. GOD bless!